Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Moving Indoors!!

Due to the present time of the year it gets dark earlier in the day. Sadly because of this ultimate Frisbee must begin to be played indoors. This can be great news for some fans of indoor ultimate. However, other players are not such huge fans of this inevitable move. The first thing an outsider of ultimate Frisbee has to know about indoor ultimate is that it is an entirely different way to play the game of ultimate. For one thing there may be, depending on how many players come out, multiple teams that rotate in after either team makes three points. Secondly, there are less people in active play for each team. Typically during outdoor we have seven people out on the field for each team, but during indoor we have four people out on the playing area for each team. Indoor is great for two reasons they are as follows: One, no one is allowed to hide behind their teammates because there are so few people on each team and in order for a team to score and do well, everyone on the team must be active and participate. The second reason indoors is great is because it makes players have to cut more often and harder. Since practices are held in the recreational gym, there is not a whole lot of space that can be used for cutting. Knowing this, cuts must be quick and back to back, they must also be hard sometimes a cut has to be made at even a 90 degree angle. Indoors I have found as a first year ultimate player is a fantastic time. It has really improved my skill in the game as a whole and I see this in all of my other teammates as well.

*Great things to look forward to: Next semester tournaments begin!!! Be on the lookout for these!! (: 

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